Why did my analysis not work in the Sportsbox 3DGolf app?

Analysis failed & "Swing and a Miss"

Getting this pop-up message? 

How to combat a failed analysis and avoid "Swing and a Miss" Pop-ups.

  • Make sure you’re taking the video from FACE-ON and if it’s imported, it’s a SLOW MOTION video. Please try to take IN APP when possible — the app will prompt you on where to stand and set the camera to the correct FPS (Frames Per Second).
  • Review our quick Do This, Not That guide.
There could be a variety of reasons, but usually, it’s because the swing was not captured properly. Please check the following and try again:
    1. The camera may not have been placed in the right position.
    2. The camera was moving during the swing.
    3. The golfer was either too far or too close to the camera.
    4. The golfer was outside the frame. Make sure the golfer’s entire body can be seen by the camera.
    5. Insufficient lighting or the sun is directly behind the golfer. (Our AI model will eventually be better than the human eye, but currently, as a general rule of thumb, if you can’t see the outline of the golfer with your own eyes, then you’ll need to pick a different spot or add lighting. Please send us those videos so we can continue to train our models.)
      1. Check out the brightness settings. Simply turn on the "Customer Lighting" toggle for better lighting. This can be found when recording an in-app swing analysis on the screen where you're recording a video

Need help finding the setting? Click HERE to learn how. 

    1. If it’s an imported video, make sure the ENTIRE video was recorded in SLOW MOTION. (In many cases, the phone’s OS starts and ends the video at regular speed and if any part of the swing is NOT in slow motion, our AI models will not detect it.)
    2. The background and/or environment are too busy. Please send us these videos so we can continue to train our models.
    3. If recording in the app, make sure to start the video immediately before you start swinging and stop the video immediately after you finish swinging (with no extra movements recorded in the video, ie. walking out of the frame or towards the camera to stop the video).
  • Make sure ALL of the 8 steps are correct or else your recording might not analyze!
  • If you do get a "Swing and a Miss" error in the app, please be sure to REPORT ISSUES and our team will get back to you with helpful feedback after reviewing the video.
  • If you are still having issues, please report a support ticket.