What is Swing Monitor and How do I use it?

Set up your device once leave it running to get continuous 3d data on all swings — no swings wasted.

Swing Monitor is an automatic 3D product, enabling golfers to practice with 3D as effortlessly as they would with a launch monitor. Swing Monitor is a training aid to create habit among golfers; coupled with the Goals feature, golfers will unlock effortless, intentional, and validated practice.  

How Does it Work?

  1. Set up your device (tripods may work best) — it will start in camera mode to help guide you into frame

    1. Need a Tripod? We recommend the GPod
  2. Take a swing! Once your swing is detected, Swing Monitor will automatically trim and analyze it. 
  3. Your selected data tiles will show these data points on that swing
  4. Ready to move onto the next shot? Just keep swinging.

  5. Done for the day?  Complete Session and show summary of progress.

254f7bb3-b345-4c20-a277-99b05c290852FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions):

  • Can I swing without a golf club? Yes, Swing Monitor will catch those swings and configure your 3D data. 
  • How can I reframe myself? Please select the square frame icon (most left one) on the bottom menu bar to visit the set up with the camera.
  • I want to change my indicators, how can I do that? Please select the pencil icon (second from left) on the bottom menu bar to add or remove your displayed trackers. 
  • Can I analyze a swing I took as a solo session and see the 2d & 3d videos? Yes!  You absolutely can. To do that on your most recent swing, please click the purple cube icon (middle icon) on the bottom menu bar to bring you to session mode. 
  • Can I see my ideal range for my selected indicators? Please click on the graph/chart icon (second from right) on the bottom menu bar. By tapping on the indicator, you can see the recommended range for this data point.
  • How do I end my session? Click on the carrot icon (most right one) on the bottom menu bar. This will prompt you to either end your session or visit your Settings, where you can navigate the audio.
  • Can I revisit my data from a specific Swing Monitor Session? To do so, please select the Monitor session from your Feed/Activity page. Upon entering, you can see your data from the session plotted on a graph.