What is Goals?

Introduced in September 2023, Goals is the ultimate training tool. What is it and how do I use it?

For the first time ever, we are using AI to directly pinpoint areas of swing weaknesses. Goals is the re-imagined watchlist created specifically to help a golfer identify and focus on the top priority in their swing. This is a training aid to help golfers focus on a specific part of their swings by focusing on a few key indicators.

Why Goals? For every Sportsbox session you create, the Goals that were set by you or your coach will populate. This way, you'll receive instant feedback on what you're working on for every swing you take. 


How do I use Goals?

1. Create a session
2. Click on the "Goals" icon on the menu bar 

3. Here, you can view your current Goal or create a new one
4. To create a new one, please click on the three dots.  Then, select what indicators you want to monitor and what range is best for you! This can be different than the average tour pro range, this is meant to be personalized!

5. Select a desired title and write a short description to clearly identify in the future.
6. You can choose to implement this Goal right away by selecting it as your new Goal

Please click here to see a demo of GOALS and how to use it in our app.