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How do I set up my camera to record a session in the Sportsbox 3DGolf app?

Camera set-up to ensure good captures

Please see our article to ensure a good swing capture.

For a more detailed explanation and other tips on how to ensure good captures, please watch this tutorial.

Click on the links to watch HOW TO videos.

Option1: Use the Sportsbox 3D Golf app to record.

Option 2: Import an existing slow motion, face-on video. 

Option 3: For 3D Play and 3D Pro/Coach Enterprise subscribers, use Auto-Swing Detection

  1. We support both portrait and landscape modes.
  2. No more than 12 feet away from the golfer’s toe line with standard zoom, 7ft with 0.5x zoom.
  3. If you have a tripod, make sure it’s no higher than three-and-a-half feet (waist high).
  4. Make sure the entire body is in the frame throughout the full swing.