How do I edit my Trackers in a 3D Session?

We have a wide variety of trackers for you to explore! Learn how to try them all.

Free and 3D Player subscribers have limited trackers and 3D Pro subscribers have access to all. However, the way to change trackers is the same. 

Step by Step Tutorial:

  1. Click on the paragraph icon (four lines) on the top menu row. It will be the second icon from the left. 
  2. Now, you will either see an empty menu pop up on the bottom or a menu with your selected trackers. Swipe up in the middle of the bar/on the tracker to expand the menu.
  3. There is an "Edit" button at the top, with lots of tracker and indicators below. You will have the option to select any tracker or indicator you want. They are categorized by movements. 
  4. After clicking edit, please select the data you want to see. You can select as many as you like; to see them all, you will need to scroll left/right to see more. 

What you can do with the trackers: 

  • If you click on the tracker, it will open an advanced mode where it shows you "ideal (tour) ranges" based on your gender and body measurements. You can see how you do in each tracker at all points of your swing. 
  • You can scroll through your swing and each tracker will also update accordingly.

Indicators will not change as you scroll. Indicators will be trackers at specific locations. For example, pelvis sway is a tracker but "pelvis sway TOP" is the pelvis sway at the top of your swing ONLY.