Cancelation of subscription plan & refund
How to cancel your Sportsbox 3DGolf subscription depends on which Platform you used when you initially subscribed:
- Log in to the web portal with your email and password >>
- Click ACCOUNT (top left corner) >>
- SUCCESSFUL CANCEL = auto renewal is off & the "Resume Plan" button appears.
- ELAVON or STRIPE, click CANCEL on the web portal and confirm your cancelation.
- APPLE, you must cancel on your iOS device -> please cancel with Apple.
- Open the settings app on your iOS device
- Tap your name
- Tap subscriptions
- Tap the Sportsbox subscription
- Tap Cancel Subscription
- GOOGLE, you must cancel on your Android device -> please cancel with Google.
- On your Android device, go to your subscriptions in Google Play
- Select the subscription you want to cancel
- Tap Cancel Subscription
- Follow the instructions
Note: This is the only way to cancel your account and end your subscription from future payments. Signing out of your account or deleting the app doesn't cancel your account.
- Subscriptions automatically renew unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24 hours prior to the end of the current period.
- We do not offer refunds on subscription purchases as stated in our Terms & Services.
- If you cancel before the end of your current billing period, you can use the Sportsbox 3DGolf app until the end of the period (month or year).