How Can I add "Students" as a Coach?

How to add a NEW Student and Pre-existing Students with 3D Pro

Click HERE to watch the video or read below about how to create a NEW student. 

From the Homepage 

  • On the bottom menu of icons, enter from "Students" tab.
  • Click on the plus sign on the top right corner. 
  • Click "Create a new student account"
  • CAREFULLY input student's info and they will receive an email with their invite and log in credentials.

After starting the Student registration process, you'll be prompted with a few simple questions about your student. This would include their name, email, and body information.

 Please be mindful of how you spell your student's names and emails! It will be tedious to change after you create account. Please add your player's correct gender and height. The "Hip Measurement" will auto-fill, for your convenience.

Want to add someone who already has an account as your Student? 

  • Click on "Students"
  • Click the purple "Add" button on the bottom right corner
  • Click "Search for a student"
  • Enter their name or email address tied to their account
  • Once their account pops up, click "Add"
  • Confirm their information 

Once done adding either a New Student or Existing Player, you should see a green check mark and the message "Student Added." Once you see this,  you'll be able to see them under the "Students" tab and work with them through the app!


You may be wondering, why do I need to add a student? There are many reasons!

  • Saves you time! We need specific body measurement informations of each students to give accurate data 
  • Consolidate and organize a student's session in one, easy location to easily search for it in the future. No need to scroll through the "Sessions" page; instead, you can click on their profile to see all their sessions on one page.
  • Communicate in-app with your students via the Inbox feature
  • Coaches can assign students "Watchlists" so students can practice what to work on outside of the lesson. They can even use non-3d Practice plan tiles if assigned to them by a coach using "Watchlists"!